By: SILT Admin
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The ORWHFS 2014 Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 in room S103B of the Student Services Building at Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Road in Kelowna,
A very BIG THANK-YOU to Okanagan College for providing the meeting room to our organization at no cost. ORWHFS is a 100% volunteer run Society and with the help of friends and partners such as Okanagan College, our financial resources can be utilized more effectively towards the mandate and goals of our Society.
The Board of Directors elected for 2015 is:
President – Ross Everatt
Vice President – Chris Bull
Secretary – Judie Steeves
Treasurer – Gordon Wilson
Directors – Rick Simpson; Bill Bosch; Joan Lindsay
By: SILT Admin
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ORWHFS has partnered with The Okanagan Nation Alliance (ONA) to administer HSP funds for use in habitat rehabilitation for species at risk. The work will primarily be conducted along the Okanagan River Channel that was reclaimed through the ORRI Phase-1 project.
The work being carried out by ONA is critical to the Okanagan River ecosystem and is being funded through the Habitat Stewardship Program.
By: SILT Admin
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Ron Taylor, President of the Okanagan Region Wildlife Heritage Fund Society stepped down from the Board of Directors at the Society’s Annual General Meeting held this past April.
After serving more than 20 years as the ORWHFS President, Mr. Taylor turned the reins over to Ross Everatt who was unanimously elected the new President. Mr. Taylor’s many years of service and leadership to the Society included overseeing many of the conservation projects ORWHFS have been involved in, such as the Okanagan River Restoration Project.
Mr. Taylor’s positive straight forward approach and passion for the natural environment and its wildlife will set the tone for the work which lays ahead for the Society.