In an Earth Day event coordinated by Jamie Hibberson and Randy Waterous of Interfor, students from Sarah Mace’s class from Perley Elementary School in Grand Forks have planted nearly 300 yellow pine seedlings in disturbed, damp parts of the Southern Interior Land Trust’s property.
It was inspiring to watch these young people nurture the little trees they were given by Jamie and Randy, who also explained how to plant them so they would survive,commented Judie Steeves, president of SILT.
It was a beautiful day and great to watch them roam over the greening-up hills, digging a hole and placing the little tree in it. Most said they planned to return over the years to find their trees and see how they grow up, which will be really neat.
Photos by Judie Steeves
SILT has an agreement to purchase 109 hectares (270 acres) of rare grassland habitat near Grand Forks. We need to raise $117,000 this month! Please help create another lasting legacy for wildlife. Click here to DONATE. Every dollar matters! Donations are tax deductible.
DL 492 is open, rolling hills of bunchgrass interspersed with patches of trembling aspen-rose thickets. The property is year-round habitat for a healthy herd of 200-300 California bighorn sheep. Rams and ewes of all ages use the land. It is also excellent winter and spring range for mule deer and white-tailed deer. Several species-at-risk occur, including rattlesnake, gophersnake, spadefoot toad, tiger salamander and badger.
The Grand Forks (Gilpin) sheep herd has provided decades of first-class hunting and excellent wildlife viewing opportunities. Your donation will help ensure that undeveloped, productive habitat is protected forever. SILT welcomes and encourages non-mechanized public access for wildlife- and nature-related recreation on all its conservation properties. DONATE HERE
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